3Q Digital GDN Ads
Creating Google Display Network Ads for 3Q Digital's digital marketing team.
- 3Q Digital
- CIT Bank
- Nokia, Instagram, Facebook, Cocoon, RingCentral, and many more
- Photoshop
- Illustrator

Project Objectives
Working at 3Q Digital, I have designed hundreds of display advertisements for dozens of companies. I will be walking through my design process and to show my thinking process when designing CIT Bank's Google Display Network advertisements.
What I did
- Researched best practices and presented competitive research.
- Designed Google Display Network Ad variations.

3Q Digital x CIT Bank
CIT Bank's Goals
3Q Digital worked with CIT Bank to help with A/B testing by redesigning their GDN Ads for their landing page.
Designing banners to be consistent with the landing page can be creatively limiting. In addition, CIT Bank already has an established brand guideline and pre-existing advertisements that they do not want to deviate from. The design challenge is to create something different from what they have, while also using the same design language.
What are we trying to communicate? By understanding this, we can design with intent and push the boundaries of hierarchy using typography.

Breaking Some Rules
Using fundamental best practices, I explored the design's hierarchy by playing with the size and by reorganizing the copy. For A/B testing, I created three versions of the same design with different concepts.

Different & Safe

Different & Bold

Working with different sizes, I like to work with percentages to achieve consistency. These principles are easily repeated for pixel-perfect design.

After receiving positive feedback from the client and internal teams and we’ve decided to move forward with all three variations for A/B testing. I have not been updated with its performance.